Sunday, February 15, 2009

Welcome to Stardoll's Anti Grapevine!

Okay. Have you seen Degrassi? Well, there's this thing on it that's called the Anti-Grapevine. It's filled with all the latest gossip at the school. So, I thought I could recreate the Grapevine and get a lot of people to read from it. So, if you have some gossip, let me know in a Guestbook comment or in a friend request. I will look into it, and maybe post it on this blog! Also, I will post on the latest trends and other things that are happening on Stardoll.
Like it, Love it, Hate it, Whatever! Let me know what you think of this.Keep coming and reading the posts! Also, I might need more writers for the blog, so if you are interested, let me know. :)